Sunday, September 30, 2012

School Room Transformation

 So here is our new school room. We are in the process of building a house.  In the meantime I wanted school desks and as the process of building has taken over a year to start I got tired of waiting and decided to squeeze them in.  So it worked for awhile until my youngest student (pictured here) kept climbing up and pushing the official students out of their desks and scribbling on text books.  She even got my Teacher's manual.  That was the last straw.  I quickly acquired a pint size desk for the pint size student.  She now happily gets in her own desk before moving to theirs.  This extra desk forced me to rearrange the room.  After pushing furniture here and there I finally settled on this and I am quite happy.
So as a side note, I AM NOT a perfectionist.  Can you tell by the blurry picture that I did not retake because I would never get this post up if I waited until morning and tried to remember to snap another picture.  Also see the laundry in the corner.  That's just real life in a home school room that has taken over.  
Hopefully another post soon.  Sorry for the delay.  We took the circus on the road to the beach and soaked up some sun and some educational field trips.  The boys loved Fort Morgan and are telling everyone about it.  So I'm sure I'll post some on it.

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Trying to squeeze out the last rays of summer

We were lucky enough to sneak in a day at the pool on the last day in the 90's.  What a wonderful splurge and blessing. 
Oh I will miss summer, but I saw pumpkins today at the farmers market.  I think I can get excited for fall.  Just maybe.  ;)
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The Many Faces

  So here are some of the faces of Littlest Acrobat.  She is as full of faces as Monkey in the Middle ever was and maybe more.  The ones with her hand by her face are her way of signing please.  We taught her the actual sign, but this is her version of it.  We haven't taught her too many more I need to research more signs. 
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Thursday, September 6, 2012

School Days

So I really LOVE our curriculum this year.  What fun we are having!  This was science one day this week.  Love the look of wonder on Ring Master's face!  Monkey in the Middle wasn't sure how close he wanted to be.  ;)  
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Labor Day!

Labor Day-
So, what did you do for Labor Day?  
First we cheered on the start of college football season with friends.  Our family's loyalty is divided in the area of college football. While Hot Hubby and Ring Leader like to yell "War Eagle" (and yes I am aware that is actually Tennessee orange, no better choice available), I prefer to shout "Roll Tide" for touchdowns.  I am sometimes joined by Monkey in the Middle, who says he likes both teams.  I have started heavily recruiting Littlest Acrobat.  The jury is still out on that though.  
We also were blessed to go to the lake.  It was nice and enjoyable.  
All too soon we started back to normal life.  ;)

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